Avast! Mind Your Language!

Avast! Mind Your Language!

Ah, don’t fret, we’re not about to complain that ye “curse like a sailor”…I mean, we could, but ye’d just curse more flagrantly! Sept 19 is almost here, and need we remind ye, it’s International Talk Like A Pirate Day – founded by our two ol’ mates, Capt. Slappy & Ol’ Chumbucket some many moons…

Kilo, XRay, Yankee

Kilo, XRay, Yankee

The year is 2023. Who (besides The Jetsons) would’ve imagined we’d ever write such a futuristic statement? Indeed, here we are well into the 21st century – and many things haven’t changed for the better since the 17th century. While we still send what support we’re able to New Orleans (and Louisiana generally), we feel…

Bring Me That Horizon!

Bring Me That Horizon!

Avast mates, it’s been a year (some would say, “the longest ever”) and here we are, still battling the plague! There have been many changes in this time – good and bad. Mates lost, jobs set aside, struggles at all corners to survive in uncertain times…some who’ve excelled at helping their communities, stepping into the…